Return Policy

Refund Policy: Satisfaction Guaranteed

If for any reason you are unsatisfied with your purchase(s) within the first 60 days of receipt, please return any unused portion for an exchange or refund. We reserve the right to accept or deny any returns based on product misuse, neglect, or other factors beyond our control. If your product(s) arrive(s) damaged please contact our returns department. 

Please include Name and Order Number when contacting the Returns Department regarding returns.

All international return packages will be refunded and canceled. Due to the cost incurred, we will not be able to provide for return shipping or pay for additional reshipping.

Any international customers using forwarding companies are responsible to ensure that all products will be accepted and forwarded. None of our products are considered dangerous under current US DOT guidelines but it is still your responsibility to ensure your forwarding company understands the products and can forward them. Premium Select Naturals will not be responsible for return shipping costs if your package is rejected by the forwarding company and must be returned.

You can also email the returns department at

Send your exchanges/returns to:

Premium Select Naturals

1955 W Baseline Rd

Ste 113-445

Mesa, AZ 85202